Canada Career Counselling in the Media

CBC News
Global News
The Globe and Mail
The Toronto Star
Benefits Canada
Calgary's Business
Yahoo Finance
When Did You Decide It Was Time To Step Down From A Job?

When Did You Decide It Was Time To Step Down From A Job?

Meghan Reid, M.A., C.Psych. goes live on CBC news and CBC/Radio-Canada on Cross Country Checkup with Ian Hanomansing, discussing her professional perspective on why people want to change from their lucrative careers. You can listen to the discussion here (9:30 mins to 17 mins).

How to Spot a Toxic Workplace Before Accepting a Job Offer

How to Spot a Toxic Workplace Before Accepting a Job Offer

If signs of a toxic workplace appear, Hambley (Dr. Laura) said people should consider talking to a therapist or a career counsellor to figure out a wellness plan and work on restoring confidence and the ability to think clearly.

Canadians are foregoing vacation time

Canadians are foregoing vacation time

Career and work Psychologist, Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett joins Global News Calgary to discuss why Canadians in the workforce aren’t taking their vacation time off.

Flight attendants hold day of action

Flight attendants hold day of action

Dr. Laura is interviewed on CTV news about flight attendants in four Canadian cities raising concerns about wages and working conditions.

Quit Quitting – CBC

Quit Quitting – CBC

Quiet quitting is a term that is typically associated with workplace burnout....