Canada Career Counselling in the Media
How Are You Hanging In There? – The Catalyst by Softchoice
How do businesses maintain a company culture remotely? Do we humans even need physical connection at work? Meghan...
Cat’s Track Podcast: Laura Hambley
Dr. Laura provides insight on spirituality, living by your values, and embracing the positive with Catherine Brownlee...
Canada’s Podcast: Dr. Laura Hambley, Workplace Psychologist
Dr. Laura speaks with Mario Toneguzzi from Canada's Podcast about how to cope with COVID-19.
Career Counselling Ex-Offenders: Issues And Interventions
Brittany Shields and her supervisor Dr. Charles Chen were recently published in the Australian Journal of Career...
CBC News: Why Calgary is Losing its Young Adults
Dr. Laura provides insight regarding why the 20-24 age group is a decreasing demographic in Calgary.
How Millennials are Redefining Job Success – Broadview Magazine
Brittany Shields describes how traditional "job success" impacts millennials.
Ask for it – How to Negotiate Juicy Job Perks– Golden Girl Finance
Meghan Reid offers insight for negotiating non-salary job perks.
Global News: Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Land a Job After Parenting Gap
Avra Davidoff provides research-based suggestions for landing a job after a parenting gap.
JWN Energy: Overcoming the Oil and Gas Industry’s Challenge Attracting Young, Bright New Workers
Dr. Laura Hambley comments on workplace trends in the Oil and Gas industry in Calgary.
Public vs Private Sector – Global News
Meghan Reid shares career advice for people deciding to work in public or private sectors.
Chartered Professional Accountants Alberta: How to Effectively Navigate Maternity Leave Career Transitions
Avra Davidoff gives advice for navigating a maternity leave by providing advice before, during, and after the break...
Job Hopper – CBC Radio
Meghan Reid shares advice for individuals who have a job history that includes varied, shorter term positions.
Financial Planning for Canadians: Encore Careers: A Senior’s Guide
Colleen Lucas provides suggestions for seniors transitioning back into the workforce.
The Globe and Mail: Five Ways to Schmooze Your Way Into a STEM (or Any) Career
Michelle Cook shares tips for students who are ready to prepare for their career.
Five Ways to Schmooze Your Way Into a STEM (or Any) Career – Globe and Mail
Michelle Cook gives tips to students who are ready to prepare for their future career.
More and More, People are Risking it All for Their Passion Projects – Metro News
Meghan Reid advises how to plan before making your passion project full time.
University of Calgary Alumni: 10 Tips to Launch, Develop and Sustain Future Careers
Dr. Laura Hambley shares key tips for developing your career from education, to networking, and more!
Millennial Leadership with Meghan Reid – Inspiring Leaders Podcast
Also hear on iTunes, Google, Stitcher, or the Ubiquity Website.
The Problem with Reaching Your Career Goal – Toronto Star
Meghan Reid comments on the risk of an unsatisfying career for those who enter careers based on societal assumptions...
Finding the Best Time to Take a Travel Break in Your Career – Yahoo Canada
Meghan Reid offers insight for potential travelers looking to navigate the gap in their resume and career goals in the...