On February 1st, Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett, will be bringing her expertise to this year’s Grow Your Career Conference at the University of Calgary. Her talk will explore how to bridge the gap between career and fulfillment.
Career Planning
How To Re-Enter The Workplace After An Absence
Re-entering the workforce after a career break, whether planned or unplanned, can elicit many feelings. However, with...
What Makes You Happy in Your Career?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, what makes you satisfied in your work? For some, it’s the excitement of solving...
How Do My Skills Translate To A New Career?
I’ve seen the incredible impact that transferable skills can have. In today’s fast-changing job market, it’s helpful to know which skills are in demand, but it’s important to remember that any skill can lead to exciting possibilities that are a fit with your values, personality and reality factors.
When Is It Time to Burn a Bridge with a Toxic Boss?
In my work at Canada Career Counselling, I often encounter clients who find themselves stuck in toxic work...
Is It Time for a Career Change?
Thinking of a career pivot? Before making a big change, take time to reflect on your motivations. Here are 3 signs to help you decide if it’s time for a pivot.