career change

Thinking of a career change? Here’s how to make the leap

Thinking of a career change? Here’s how to make the leap

The prospect of a career shift is exciting, but transitioning can be a process — sometimes, one that takes longer than expected. Experts say it’s important to evaluate your skills and interests before making the leap.

How to Spot a Toxic Workplace Before Accepting a Job Offer

How to Spot a Toxic Workplace Before Accepting a Job Offer

If signs of a toxic workplace appear, Hambley (Dr. Laura) said people should consider talking to a therapist or a career counsellor to figure out a wellness plan and work on restoring confidence and the ability to think clearly.

Navigating a Career Change During an Economic Downturn

Navigating a Career Change During an Economic Downturn

In challenging economic times, many professionals find themselves re-examining their career paths. Whether by choice or necessity, a career change is a major life decision that can be fraught with uncertainty, especially when the job market is turbulent.

Resume Writing for Career Changes: How to Make a Seamless Transition

Resume Writing for Career Changes: How to Make a Seamless Transition

In today’s ever-changing job market, career shifts are becoming more prevalent than ever before. Whether it’s due to personal circumstances or the need to pivot due to a changing economy, employees are frequently making transitions between industries or career paths. However, it’s not just enough to want to make a change—creating a compelling resume is key to successfully transitioning into a new career.
