Do you live in Nova Scotia and feel “stuck” in your career? Or feeling unsure about how to move forward with your...
career development
Navigating the Transition to Hybrid Work: Part 2/2
Adjusting to and accepting workplace changes, when met with uncertainty surrounding the future of work, can be...
Navigating the Transition to Hybrid Work: Part 1/2
As our lives and work environments continue to evolve in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, most organizations are now...
Challenging Negative Thoughts
Finding a career that is both financially satisfying and personally fulfilling is not an easy task, especially in...
How to Choose the Right Career for You
Like most people, chances are your early career choices were influenced by factors that had little to do with...
More Tips for a Successful Career Transition – Part 2
I’m back to share part 2 of my tips for a successful career transition! Once you feel clear about your transferrable...