
Tips and insights to inspire your Career Planning.

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5 Steps To Emotional Regulation In The Moment

5 Steps To Emotional Regulation In The Moment

I often have clients who struggle with taking care of their emotional well-being at work. When it comes to addressing intense thought patterns and emotions – we can learn how to manage these feelings.

Making Bold Life Changes: Turning Fear into Courage

Making Bold Life Changes: Turning Fear into Courage

Dr. Laura’s 25 years of experience in career psychology informs this episode’s discussion about career development trends and how you can take charge of your career.  Dr. Laura shares how she chose to specialize in career development when she obtained her Master’s in Counseling Psychology and how that led her to found Canada Career Counseling.

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Resume Insights into Interview Preparation

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Resume Insights into Interview Preparation

An expertly crafted resume can get you the call back for a job interview. And the benefits don’t have to end there! Your resume is also an excellent resource for interview preparation, ideally featuring all of your standout skills, achievements, and career aspirations in a one- to two-page document.

Try This Quick Technique When You’re Stressed at Work

Try This Quick Technique When You’re Stressed at Work

Do you sometimes find yourself overwhelmed with frustration, confusion or anger and not know how to come back to a “neutral” baseline? Many of my clients at Canada Career Counselling find that it can be tricky to know how to self-regulate because they were never taught. There are many ways to calm the nervous system but what if you had access to one way that takes under 5 minutes?

Navigating a Layoff: Unlocking Success in Career Transitions

Navigating a Layoff: Unlocking Success in Career Transitions

Navigating a layoff can be tricky for employees and employers alike. Fortunately for employees, you can negotiate for outplacement benefits when leaving your company. And if your company is facing the difficult decision of terminating dedicated employees, you don’t have to go at it alone.
