How to Navigate Low Energy at Work?

May 16, 2024 | Blogs, Career Advice, Mental Health

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Showing up to work with low energy can be challenging, but it’s a reality everyone will face at times. Whether it’s cumulative stress or personal hardships, temporary or sustained, showing up at work when your energy tank is running on empty is hard, but there are strategies that can help. Let’s explore three effective strategies for success to help you navigate these moments with grace and resilience.

Strategy One: Evaluate What’s Going On with You

Take some time to reflect on the root cause of your low energy. Have you been managing work-related crises, coping with physical illness, or going through a significant life transition? Understanding the source is crucial for moving forward. Consider seeking professional support to gain insights into your feelings and develop a plan to regain balance.

Strategy Two: Communicate Appropriately for Yourself and Your Situation

Individuals vary widely in our need to share our truth. And workplaces vary widely in their expectations and sensitivity to that truth. Some managers will punish you for being low energy, others will understand. Some work cultures will expect the ebbs and flows of human life, others expect consistent performance, no matter what. Assess your work culture and your manager’s style, and your own desires when it comes to honest communication, and proceed accordingly.

Strategy Three: Take Steps to Improve Your Energy

Simply put, now is the time to prioritize your well-being. Ensure that you are taking care of yourself physically, getting adequate rest, and nurturing your social and emotional wellbeing. These steps can significantly impact your energy levels and contribute to a more positive work experience.


Showing up at work with low energy is a common challenge, but it’s one that can be managed. By understanding the root cause, communicating wisely, and prioritizing your well-being, you can navigate these moments and foster a more sustainable and fulfilling work life. Remember, it’s okay not to be at your best every day, and taking proactive steps to address your needs will contribute to long-term success and well-being, at work and in life.



  • Allison Lockett

    Written by Allison Lockett, a Job Search Advisor and Career Coach at Canada Career Counselling – Toronto. Allison holds an HBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business at Western University and an MBA from Queen’s University. She has been designated an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation, which sets the standard in coaching best practice and ethics globally. If you’d like to connect with Allison, email [email protected] to schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation.

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