How Can Career Counsellors Help Employees and Organizations Avoid the Pitfalls of “Quiet Quitting”?

Jun 14, 2023 | Career Counselling

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Quiet QuittingAre you an employer looking for a way to reduce the frequency of “quiet quitting” within your company? Or are you an employee considering whether it is time to pick up and move onto something new?

Either way, career counsellors can be incredibly helpful in navigating the choppy waters of making smart career transitions. By considering both short-term and long-term goals, they can provide invaluable insight into how to best handle job transitions in a healthy way for everyone involved.

Keep reading as we explore how—with the help of career counsellors—employers and employees alike can avoid the pitfalls that often come with quiet quitting.

What Is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting is the process by which employees disengage from their work and only put in the minimum amount of effort required to get their jobs done. Quiet quitting doesn’t actually involve leaving a job; rather, it’s about doing the bare minimum to get through the day. This phenomenon is often a result of employee burnout, which refers to a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and overwork.

Quiet quitting can be particularly disruptive for the workplace if the employees engaging in quiet quitting have previously been valuable contributors or top performers. As employers, it is crucial to recognize the signs of burnout and to create a supportive work environment to prevent this quiet phenomenon from occurring.

Signs an Employee Might Be Considering Quiet Quitting

  • Decreased engagement in workplace activities
  • Increased absenteeism
  • Reduced productivity
  • Lack of initiative
  • Minimal interaction with colleagues
  • Expressing more complaints or dissatisfaction about their work
  • Loss of interest
  • Lack of career development efforts
  • Not taking part in training programs
  • Increased personal distractions
  • Mental and emotional exhaustion

Pros and Cons of Quiet Quitting

Disengaging from a job is a sensitive matter that requires careful consideration. Quiet quitting is a unique professional approach that has pros and cons.

On the positive end, some argue that quiet quitting is an employee’s right. Why should they go above and beyond the expectations that their employment contract laid out, especially if the risks are poor work-life balance and burnout?

However, on the flip side, quiet quitting can lead to missed opportunities for progression and career growth, which are often fulfilling and rewarding experiences for individuals. It can also negatively impact one’s professional reputation.

How Can Career Counsellors Help Employers and Employees with Quiet Quitting?

Through proactive career management and career transition coaching, employers and employees alike can benefit from the help of career counselling services.

For Employers

Career counsellors or career psychologists are an invaluable resource for employers who are grappling with the impact of quiet quitting in their workplaces. With their expertise in career management, these professionals can help managers identify the often subtle signs of employees who are disengaged, as well as the reasons employees may be quiet quitting

In addition, they can guide employers on how to establish a more supportive work environment that fosters employee morale and engagement. As managers often have a significant impact on the engagement of their teams, career counsellors can offer career coaching, as well as create confidential spaces where managers can share their concerns, frustrations, and aspirations.

With this support, employers can design training and development programs that target the specific needs of their workforce, ultimately retaining critical talent and lowering the risk of employee burnout.

For Employees

Career counsellors play a vital role in providing career guidance and support to employees who feel stuck or unhappy in their current jobs. In such cases, career counsellors can help employees improve their mental health by promoting a better work-life balance, building coping strategies, and setting healthy boundaries at work, without disengaging.

Additionally, if an individual’s job is simply a poor fit, they can explore career options, develop a career action plan, and provide skill enhancement and development opportunities. Career counsellors can assist with job search and career transition coaching, ensuring a smooth transition to a new role or career path. They can also provide continued support and follow-up to ensure that employees receive the necessary resources and encouragement to successfully navigate a career change or transition.

Don’t Let Quiet Quitting Harm Your Career and Organization – We Are Here to Help You!

Canada Career Counselling offers effective career guidance and career counselling services to help to address the phenomenon of “quiet quitting”. Our team of qualified career counsellors and registered psychologists understand that finding fulfillment at work is crucial to mental health and overall well-being.

Whether you’re looking to transition into a new career or simply need guidance on how to improve job satisfaction, our practical and strategic approach can help you achieve a balanced work-life approach. Contact us today to empower yourself and your team with the tools necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving job market.



  • Dr. Laura Hambley

    Written by Dr. Laura Hambley, a Registered Psychologist and Founder of Canada Career Counselling. Laura is a thought leader on Career and Workplace Psychology, passionate about career development, having helped individuals and organizations navigate the latest trends impacting today’s organizations since the late 1990s. She is a sought-after keynote speaker for organizations, associations, conferences, and events. Click here to learn more.

    To schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation with Laura, email our team at [email protected] or submit an inquiry form here. You may be able to use your insurance plan or extended health benefits to cover counselling and assessment fees.

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