Getting Back on Track after a Long Career Break with Career Counselling

Jan 30, 2024 | Career Counselling

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Career Break CounsellingMore and more individuals are taking a career break these days, whether it be to care for family members, pursue further education, or deal with personal issues. However, re-entering the workforce after a long absence can be a daunting task. Technology, industry trends, and job requirements can change rapidly, leaving returning individuals feeling overwhelmed and out of touch with the job market.

If you’re facing a return to work after an extended absence, keep reading to discover what career counselling could do for you.

Common Challenges Returning Professionals Face 

Returning to the workforce after a long career break is an intimidating feat for many professionals. So, if you’re nervous, you’re not alone! Some of the most common challenges include:

  • A loss of confidence or feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome
  • Struggles in successfully transitioning from a homemaker or stay-at-home parent to a working professional
  • Structural changes within the work field
  • Fear of falling behind on technology and industry advancements
  • The task of explaining the resume gap to prospective employers
  • Workplace discrimination due to the gap in employment

How Career Counselling Can Help with Returning to Work after a Long Break

Let’s review the various ways career counselling for career re-entry can assist you through this transitional period.

Assessing Your Skills and Interests

Before returning to work after a long break, it’s important to assess your skills and interests. This will help you determine what type of job or career path is the best fit for you. Career counselling can provide assessments and career guidance in this process, helping you identify your strengths and areas for improvement. In addition to exploring the type of work that would be a good fit for you, career counselling can also help you identify the type of environment and leadership that would be best suited to you.

Developing a Career Plan

Career counsellors can next assist you in developing a career plan. This may include setting specific goals, creating a timeline, and identifying necessary steps and action items to reach those goals. They can also help you explore different industries and job opportunities that align with your interests.

Building Confidence and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Career counselling can offer support in building confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome, which is the feeling of not being good enough or qualified for a job.  A counsellor can provide strategies to boost self-esteem and address any doubts or fears about returning to work.

Providing Job Search Strategies

A good counsellor can also act as your job search advisor, assisting with strategies for resume writing, networking techniques, and interview preparation. They can also provide resources for finding job openings in your desired field or industry.

Crafting a Winning Resume and Cover Letter

One of the first steps in making a career comeback is updating your resume and cover letter. A career counsellor can help you highlight your skills and experiences in a way that will stand out to potential employers. They can also provide valuable tips on how to tailor your resume and cover letter for different job opportunities.

Interview Preparation

Career counsellors can offer mock interviews and provide feedback on your responses, body language, and overall presentation. They can also help you research the company and prepare questions to ask during the interview, giving you the confidence you need to ace it.

Salary and Job Offer Negotiation

Negotiating salary and job offers can be intimidating, especially if you’ve been out of the workforce for a while. A career coach can provide insight into industry standards and help you determine your worth based on your skills and experience. They can also guide you through negotiating techniques to ensure you get the best possible offer.

Transition Support

Returning to work after a long break may come with its own set of challenges, such as adjusting to a new schedule or learning new skills. A career counsellor can offer support during this transition period by providing resources, advice, and encouragement.

Continuing Support and Professional Development

Career counselling doesn’t necessarily end once you’ve landed a job. Your counsellor can continue to provide career coaching to support you as you navigate your new role. They may also offer workshops or training opportunities to keep your skills sharp and ensure career growth post-break.

Get the Required Career Counselling and Coaching to Restart Your Career

Seeking professional career counselling and coaching can provide you with the essential tools and resources to navigate this transition successfully. From breaking down your barriers and identifying your transferable skills to crafting a strategic plan for your career restart, our team at Canada Career Counselling is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

So, if you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed after a long break from work, don’t hesitate to reach out! Contact us today to learn more about our services and take the first step towards a fulfilling and rewarding career revitalization.



  • Meghan Reid

    Written by Meghan Reid, the Managing Director of Canada Career Counselling – Toronto and Halifax, and a Registered Psychologist. Meghan is a sought-after speaker, panelist, facilitator, and trainer, and often offers her expert opinion on career, workplace, and mental health matters to the media. She led the expansion of Canada Career Counselling into Ontario (2016) and Eastern Canada (2022) and oversees the Toronto and Halifax locations. If you’d like to connect with Meghan, email [email protected] to schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation. You may be able to use your insurance plan or extended health benefits to cover counselling and assessment fees.

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